with the mass exodus of US-bound ppl, the no. of crazy late nites and frequent outings have toned down considerably. and the nebulous plans for my séjour in france have recently started to take shape at long last.. looks like i'd be in EPF, located in e suburbs of paris, in a town called sceaux. cant wait to start sch! wld be bored stiff with almost everyone either in uni or in camp and hence few ppl to go out with. and its a matter of weeks more before all of us would be in the heat of studying or rather, getting ready to study. it has been an absolutely long hiatus for e guys-two and a half years of army and bumming around. im afraid that it will time to settle down and get back to books, and studying them in a foreign language wld probably induce a stronger soporific effect on me than english ones , and imagine checking the dictionary ever so frequently.. well, time to fasten the seatbelt.
and as i start arranging to meet up with ppl one last time (given all their crazy schedules, its sooo hard to find a day where everyone's free), an otherwise- usual outing has taken on more significance for me. for now, in reverse chronological order, i would like to start thanking these various grps of ppl that have crossed my path, whom i had lotsa fun with, and have left indelible footprints on it. life would certainly be very much different without u ppl. first on the list would be washwatch:
from obs
to the first outing
on to sing-along at village
and then on to one of the many drinking sessions-courtesy of peiying, local booze doyenne who fuelled the craze. sobriety vs inebriation: the latter wins hands-down. haha, getting high has never been better. =)
and the very first send-off
there are countless other things like the mere-mere games and sentosa outing and numerous zi cha meals that helped cement all these deeper. and i certainly enjoyed every minute of it. a big merci to you ppl and heres to washwatch for being so incredibly on and zany! may the spirit nv die! =)