went to paragon for a medical check-up yesterday. quite weird that i have to go twice considering that i've already gone for it once when DSTA told me to 2 years ago. anyhow, i drank a lot of water on the bus and was thus quite urgent when i reached the centre. Was 'detoxing' myself when i suddenly remembered that there's bound to be a urine test later. not wanting to repeat the incident 2 yrs ago when something similar happened, ( i was urgent back then too and felt immense relief at the discharging of my load, only to be told at the counter later that the first thing i had to do was a urine test. i had to drink almost a whole bottle of water and pace about non-stop in the cubicle for abt 20 mins, all the while thinking of gushing waterfalls and willing myself to pee before succeeding.) i immediately stemmed the flow. thank goodness i was right to do so, haha, felt quite smug then,but striked me as silly now. the whole appointment was a waste of time, nothing much was done, just a few questions asked and a form to be filled in, a few cursory stethoscopic readings and i was done.
had to take an x-ray too. and i proceeded to a radiologic centre to have it done. seems that the clinic specialises in doing mammograms, since the full name of the clinic,which had the words ' breast- imaging' was clearly embossed on the wall. as i was having the x-ray done, i wondered what it must have felt for women to undergo such 'examinations'. the feeling of having your mammary organs clamped between cold metal and the sense of foreboding that comes with it must be quite unbearable, and on top of they have to do pap-smears, which sound really painful.
being male is so much easier indeed... tho with it come certain cons as well.
i still need to apply for ISIC,exit permit, chase the people for my university acceptance letter and settle a lot of other stuff sigh... am wondering why im not feeling excited abt it at all; reality has finally hit home that i'll be away 3-4 months later, and thats how freaking fast... im not ready to leave everything and everyone behind sigh... my family,friends and food... the 3Fs of my life!!